Last Night I Cried...

Last night I cried. I cried for the ones who think it’s weak to cry, for the ones who feel they have to carry the world on their shoulders, for the ones who so desperately want to be loved but love keeps falling short. Last night I cried for the ones who only know pain and sadness, for the ones who feel they can’t cry because they have to be strong for the masses. I cried for those of us who everyday cry in silence. I wrote an entire blog post yesterday with the same title as this one. It had a completely different feeling to it and after reading it a few times and letting my husband read it (which from now on is a MUST because sometimes I need to be told “whoa lil hammer!”) I decided it wasn’t the direction I wanted to go. Therefore, I’m starting over and writing something that speaks to not just my soul but yours as well. So open your hearts and receive the message I have to share. It may be all over the place and I may ramble a little...but that happens...