Who's Fighting with You?

I started writing this post right after the New Year. I had something on my heart at the time and wanted to share. It’s funny how much you can learn in 5 weeks and not even realize it until you sit down to finish what you started. Have you ever continuously tried to make it work with someone until you finally give up? You give up on trying, you give up on feeling exhausted, you give up on feeling unheard, you give up on trying to make it work, you give up on the person ever being what you need them to be? Trust me, I’ve been there, done that, and drank the kool-aid. There are some things that just aren’t meant to be and you have every right to walk away from toxicity and unhappiness. Once you have done all you can do and given all you can give the ball is not in your court anymore. The decision to do better and be better is no longer yours to make. Choosing to no longer beg for someone’s love, time, and attention is not truly giving up but protecting your well-being instead. ...