Hey yall! I am writing today because times are somber right now. People are afraid, sad, and confused by what is happening across the world right now. COVID-19/Coronavirus has caused us to look at things very differently these last couple of weeks and it currently doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. I am not sure how things are where you live but here in San Antonio, Texas people are panicking and emptying the stores of the basic necessities. There is a limit on the amount of food items you can buy, there is no tissue, Lysol, paper towels, or bleach items on the shelves. Store employees can’t stock their shelves fast enough and people are hoarding. It’s bananas really. I have never experienced anything like this in my lifetime. I know we are all trying to cope with the quarantine, social distancing, and children being out of school. Naturally, a situation such as this can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause endless amounts of fear. My questions is what are you doing durin...