R.E.S.P.E.C.T: Find Out What it Means to Me

I must begin by apologizing. I have really been slipping when it comes to my blog posts. I won't make any excuses because though, I have been busy, there have been plenty of opportunities for me to slip in a quick post or 2. I know people enjoy my blogs and I would like to say thank you for being such loyal  readers. I will also say I get PLENTY of hits on my "inspirational" posts but not so many on my COCOTIQUE unboxing posts. I thought more people would be interested because it was interesting for me....lol but I guess everyone isn't as crazy about hair, makeup, polish, and other accessories as I am. With that being said I think I might stop doing unboxing posts. :(  But, don't worry the other stuff will keep coming. :)

Question: How important is respect to you? Respect in relationships (Familial, friendship, or romantic relationship)? Receiving respect and giving respect? Watching someone you love disrespect other people? How does it affect your relationships? 

I have had something on my heart as it relates to this topic for the last few weeks and today I started thinking..."What happens when a friend, lover, or family member loses a little of your respect?" There are several ways people can lose some of your respect but for me and my situation their actions made me see the person in a different light. I still love them and I still consider them to be close to me but at that moment when my respect changed something in that relationship changed as well. I can't quite put my finger on it but SOMETHING changed. 

This was very new for me because I can cut someone off really quick when they have done something to ME! But when they do something that "I wouldn't do to another person," or "something I think is completely wrong" BUT NOT DIRECTLY TO ME that may not "really" be grounds to just cut them off. I always always try to make sure that if I can help...I try that first. I also want to make sure I am not being judgmental because I respect the fact that everyone is not like me and won't always do things the way I think they should be done. 

I know...I know what you are thinking, "Address it with them...it must be verbalized because they may be unaware they did anything wrong." This is what I would tell any client I was working with also. I think I have tried to do that in this situation. I also know you can't make a person change and once you have talked and they basically say "oh well...this is what you get" You move on! 

I toiled and toiled with this and what I am slowly starting to realize is that you can love someone, you can care for them, and you can be there for them when they need you. If it is something you feel you can live with then live with it. If it is something you can't live with and it goes against everything you believe and stand for then DON'T live with it and you move on. If that "something" that has changed makes it difficult for you to be around that person then it just may not be something you can live with. Who knows...you can be the person being disrespected and you don't have to live with that either. Each day is a learning experience for me. I learn from my experiences and I learn from the experiences of others as well so I am not claiming to have all of the answers...because I don't. I am not claiming that my situation will workout perfectly because I don't know. But one thing I am 100% certain of is:

Life is too short to live it with people you don't really care to be around...people that don't make you happy...people that hurt other people... and people that hurt you!  Live your life happy and live your life to the fullest. Respect is very important within any relationship and when you have lost ALL respect for something or someone it may be time to find the nearest EXIT!!

P.S. Trust that it is okay to love someone from a distance. 

Thanks for reading! 
Toodles!! XOXO


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