If You're Living...Make Sure You're Learning

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a new year and this year is not just mine or yours...this year can be each and everyone of our year! I pray you had a great intro to 2015 and you plan to do something amazing throughout. I honestly feel that waiting until the new year to begin a "new you" is a cop out...every day you are alive is an opportunity to change your life! :) So if you missed it on January 1 as of today you still have 361 days left! 

This week I saw something very amazing! I was sitting at work and a coworker and friend came into my office and handed me 2 pieces of paper. She said, "hey have you read this? Read it" and handed me the material. So, of course I took it, sat down at my desk and began to read it. It was a blog from someone who had been married for 36 years and it was she and her husband's Anniversary. She titled her post "36 things I know after 36 years of Marriage." For me this was absolutely amazing! It taught me something...I learned! 

Each day that you awake one of your daily goals should be "to learn something." I would love to start jotting down or making mental notes of things I learn throughout the year. I would love to ONE DAY create a post sharing what I have learned as it relates to marriage but today I think I will share what I have learned about life in general. Some people will say at 28 years old what have you really learned about LIFE but I can honestly say I have learned A LOT in my 28 years of living. 

28 Things I have learned in 28 years of LIVING!

  1. The world owes you nothing. 
  2. Anything you need you work for and yes, sometimes you may have to work harder than   others.
  3. Trust yourself and trust that you are worthy.
  4. Everything doesn't happen when you want it but when it does you will know.
  5. Once you stop believing in yourself having someone that never stops believing in you by your side is important.
  6. You only get 1 life...no one has the right to tell you how to live it.
  7. If you are unhappy everyday...you need to re-evaluate yourself, your life and who's in it.
  8. Make time for those who make time for you.
  9. Don't stress about things you have no control over. 
  10. Fix the things you can control and pray about the others.
  11. Friends don't last forever. 
  12. The saying "some people are in your life for a season" is VERY true!
  13. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  14. Asking for help and living off of someone is VERY different. One day your well will run dry.
  15. Never forget to take care of yourself...spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
  16. There really are people who want to see you fail. But there are people that want to see you succeed as well...focus on them.
  17. Love YOURSELF...don't depend on another person for your happiness. 
  18. It takes more energy to be angry and hate someone than it does to forgive them and move on.
  19. Forgiveness is FOR YOU not them!
  20. Everyone will have opinions...they're just that OPINIONS!
  21. People will always question what and how you're doing things...but they don't have the answer either.
  22. Whatever the problem...it will pass.
  23. Work Hard...Play hard. :) Treat yourself! Don't work just to live and live just to work. 
  24. After you become a parent don't let it consume your identity. It's part of you but not ALL of  you. You're still a wife/husband, brother/sister, son/daughter, aunt/uncle, friend, lover of music, lover of travel, foodie...etc. You can still do things you loved to do and be a parent at the same time.
  25. Shit happens...don't waddle in it.
  26. You are strong and you are resilient; remember every storm has a lesson. There really is a rainbow after each storm though some last longer than others.
  27. Never be afraid to grow...don't let fears hold you back.
  28. The hardest lesson I have learned in all my 28 years is: People don't live forever (duh). The person you think will be here to share moments with can and will leave any day. I never imagined that at 22 years old I would lose my mother. I honestly thought she would be with me forever. We all know that death is inevitable but I never thought it would happen to me so soon. I thought, this happens to other people...not me. Ultimately, I had to grow up. I learned to love harder and cherish the times I do have with the people I love. I take nothing for granted and count it all as a blessing. 

Of course I have learned so much more! I had to choose the important ones and combine some of the others lol. Overall, Life is tough without a doubt...it's sometimes not fair and changes daily. Many may ask, are we ever really prepared to "Take on the World?" I say HECK YEA! Bring it on! I have a purpose...I will live for my purpose! 

Throughout this year take the time to admire what you have learned. Take in the good and the bad...absorb it and grow! On day 365 when you ask yourself, "have I learned this year...and have I grown from what I learned? I pray you are able to respond with, "This year I am a better person and a stronger person. I lived and I learned."

Toodles!! XOXO


  1. 24 was definitely one I was struggling with in 2014. Not just as a mother but also a wife. I lost myself trying to make sure I lived up to my new titles. Only to realize that I was failing at all three (this is how I viewed myself). Its just good reading that you are not the only one facing that issue

    1. 24 was one I wasn't sure would offend my readers or not. I know I don't have to be a parent to learn but do my readers understand that? We learn from "seeing" and "witnessing" as well. And you are absolutely right 24 can fit into any new role that we take on... it's a part of us but not our complete identity. :) Thanks so much for reading and commenting LS! I'm glad my blogs are impacting people ❤️ you!


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