"Like Dust, I Rise"

Hey Ya'll!!

SO, I will begin by saying that my motivation to blog over the last few weeks has been really low. I have truly experienced every emotion possible...happiness, excitement, love, sadness, anger, confusion, and so on. When you experience a loss it can weigh heavily on you. I experienced 2 in one week. Many know about my MawMaw passing away but very few know about the loss I experienced at work. I have learned so much in the last 2 weeks and the main thing is NOTHING goes as planned when you're going through the storm, but, when you're faced with the unthinkable you rise to the occasion.    

You are no different from me. We all go through tough times but in any situation you seek out your strength and pray for understanding. I knew that I was chosen to go through this experience and I know this was not just a learning moment for me but a teachable moment as well. I can't move forward without letting my readers know how strong they are; Trust that you are powerful and that you were put where you are right now for a reason. You will rise to the occasion. Learn something from it, share your experience with others; help someone else find their strength. 

If you notice my title I chose a line from Dr. Maya Angelou's poem, "Still I Rise." It simply reminds me of how strong I really am. It doesn't matter what I am faced with and what may come my way I will not stay down but will always RISE.

Though we are strong and we wear this armor on the outside having someone motivate you that's BEEN THERE is extraordinary as well. You'd be amazed at what you could do if you just helped and motivated someone else without judgement and ulterior motives.  

I challenge you to RISE to the Occasion! 




  1. Awesome word and I accept your challenge. This was a great addition and confirmation to something I received earlier; someone needs your testimony, someone is watching you and admiring your strength just when you think you can't ’go another further’ ☺, Praise God for strength, endurance and grace!

  2. Great blog lady! Take care of you!


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