Knowing When to Walk Away

Happy Sunday Readers,

I am trying to get back into the groove of writing at least once a week but...the way my life set up! Hahaha...just kidding, but lately it has been quite difficult to get one blog a month in let alone one a week. To make up for my lack of posting today I have a very interesting topic about growth, friendship, and knowing when it's okay to walk away.

So it is no secret, since I have mentioned it in my blog, that this year has been no picnic. But, earlier this month I was talking to my husband and he said, "you know, when everyone needs you they call you and you listen and help them through, but when you need them they are no where to be found...I guess it's because you don't really reach out." I was thinking maybe he is right, maybe I just don't reach out and say, "giiiirl I need to talk." BUT, I was also thinking that in some form I have mentioned in my blogs that this year has been a little rough...if my friends are actually taking 3 minutes to read my blog they would know, right? They would call or text, right? I don't know, maybe I am wrong...but as I have stated before every second of my day is a learning moment for me. I firmly believe that God places us in situations for reasons unknown to us but our role is to trust, have faith, and learn along the way.

Anyone that's met my husband and I are aware we have moved quite a few times to chase dreams and grow in our professions (hopefully Texas is our last stop :) ). In each of these states we have met some truly amazing people; few have impacted our lives and we still keep in touch with them today and will continue to keep in touch with them for years to come.

As I get older and meet new people it becomes more clear that everyone you meet and "befriend" will not become your friend, they will not invite you to their house, you will not meet their family, you won't take trips together, and you won't make memories and lasting imprints on each other's will simply be an associate.  Those that have the opportunity to witness your friendship and create those moments with you are the important ones. Those are the people and the moments you allow to impact your life; those are the moments you cherish.

Earlier this week I heard someone say "Everyone that's by your side ain't on your side," and it hit me that maybe this is what I am supposed to learn. It was like pieces in a puzzle finally fitting into the proper spaces. I said all of this to say those people that took the time to contact me, check in with me, listen to me, be there for me during a time I felt like crying every single day are the REAL friends....y'all are the real MVPs.

Since I was a little girl I took on the problems of other people,  one of my weaknesses in every job interview was I helped others until it was apparent I was being taken advantage of. I was a giver. In my family I have had to step back from trying to be the fixer; I tried to fill the shoes my mother left behind and that left me in a very vulnerable and depressed place. This was the first time I learned it was okay to walk away; not from my family but from something that was not meant for me by God...something that was breaking me. This, dear readers, is called, GROWTH.  Maybe who I am is why I ended up a Social Worker in the first place, it was inevitable.

This recent year has provided me with some other situations I need to walk away from. I need to walk away from meaningless relationships and people that are by my side but not ON MY SIDE. Maybe you need to do the same thing; all the signs are there but we tend to overlook them. Look around you and notice the people that frown when you smile, smile when you hurt, and walk away when you need them. Hold on to those people that cry when you cry, hurt when you hurt, smile when you smile, support and cheer you on when life gets tough, and provide you with the most honest advice possible when you need to hear it. These, dear readers, are the imprints you want left on your heart and in your life.

Always remember, part of growth is knowing when to walk away.

P.S. Below are some pictures from our recent 5 Year Anniversary Celebration. Shout out to my husband for noticing his wife NEEDED this getaway and making this vacation happen for us. I am revived and rejuvenated. We visited Cozumel, Belize, and Honduras. Both Honduras and Belize were on my bucket list. <3

 When I set up to type my blog this morning I grabbed a hot cup of Chai Green Herbal Tea. The message on the tea bag was PERFECT. :)
"A relaxed mind is a creative mind."



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