Lift As We Climb

I've had a blog on my heart and I have been going back and forth about how to word it. I don't ever want my blog to be one sided or for someone to feel like my blog is not for them. I understand everyone won't relate to every single post but I don't want to re-direct a reader from my blog either. So, I have decided to just go with it. This blog is about SUPPORT. Specifically, women supporting other women. Supporting each other and not making quick judgements and assumptions about someone you barely know. Over the years I have noticed that women find it really hard to support other women. When I see a female in a supervisor role, particularly for me, an African American female, instead of judging, turning my nose the other way, or jumping on the bandwagon with others that don't believe she is capable, I applaud her. I congratulate her. I let her success motivate me to do better. I SUPPORT HER. It's the crabs in a bucket mentality that I cannot understand. There...