Silence is Golden!

Welcome back readers!

I'm just going to jump right in to this one.

I can deal with many things as a woman, as a sister, as a daughter, and as a wife. I recently had an encounter where someone said something and their words were only meant for evil. At that moment I had to trust what God told me to do. Filled with anger I wanted to respond SO bad...with every fiber of my being I wanted to use my words to cause just as much pain that had been spewed our way. BUT, sometimes silence is golden. (This is one of those meaningless relationships I spoke of in my last blog but it is also one I can't avoid completely. It's complicated). 

Instead of responding I was the "bigger person" and said very little. I realize eventually being the bigger person gets old and I am almost at my breaking point with taking the high road with this person. I know this because it took me a while to accept that I did the "right" thing in this instance. I now know when you're faced with some of your most trying times the devil some how, some way, finds himself in the building. It is at those moments your faith and strength are tested. It is at that moment your GROWTH is tested. 

Immediately after I looked for peace, calmness, and understanding in bible verses and in inspirational quotes.  I eventually found what I was looking for. I found that the "best time for you to hold your tongue is the time where you feel you must say something or burst." I also found Ephesians 4:26-27,29. I found out more people than just myself needed to see that quote and bible verse as well.

Sometimes it's hard to walk away from a provoking situation but it can also be the best thing for you to do. I'm still learning how to move forward in this situation. I don't have all the answers this time but there is one thing I do know readers...we should no longer be footstools...we should no longer be present in a situations where we are not respected. We can't continue to allow ourselves to sit back and accept this behavior.

We can't allow someone else to dictate our mood.  We can't jeopardize who we are, our faith, or our growth. So my advice to you and MYSELF....When you need to see changes...YOU MAKE THEM. 

After all of THAT my cup still runneth over this week. I still see the positives and all of God's blessings...I continue to focus on that. More important things are happening in our lives people...don't forget to pay attention. Don't allow people and their negative behaviors, words, and actions to overshadow your overflowing cup. It is always good to focus and be silent both verbally and mentally when life gets tough, it allows you to see clearly...that's truly when Silence is Golden.  


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