
Heeeey Readers!!

One of my older blogs popped up on my Timehop today. Reading it reminded me that I loved blogging, it was a release, and it got me through some of my most difficult times. It's hard to believe it's already been OVER a year since my first blog post.

Over the course of the last year and a half I've had trials and tribulations but I've also had some testimonies and teachable moments. I've found my happiness, my motivation, and my self love along the way. I'm truly blessed.

I'm headed back home from Mississippi and I had the choice to finish this blog or connect with people and invite them to let me help them start changing their lifestyle. I came to the conclusion that blogging is my passion also so I can combine the 2 today. Touching lives is what I enjoy...truly helping others. One of the things I tell my challengers is in order to make change and see results you have to WANT it. Well I come today to tell you that's true in every aspect of your life that you see failing, lacking, or not progressing. Waking up every day in a body you hate, a house you hate, going to a job or career you hate and living with someone that doesn't love you and continually mistreats you isn't happiness, it's contentment that eventually turns into resentment. Even though you feel defeated with no way out you're wrong. How you ask? WANTING IT AND CHANGING IT! If it's meant to be trust me God won't leave or forsake you. Don't keep sitting there wishing it would change if you're not doing anything to make it happen. If it gets too  hard He picks you up and carries you the rest of the way. He moves your mountains...all you need is the faith of a mustard seed.

I'm no expert and I don't try to be...some people say I act like it, lol but that's not my intentions. What my intentions are is to live this thing we call life and anything I learn along the way share it with my family and friends. I want you to be as happy as you can be and if I can aid in that happiness in anyway I'm here for that.
I've been unhappy.  I've allowed my weight to make me unhappy, I've allowed my family to make me unhappy, I've let my own actions make me unhappy. I've even let people steal my joy and discourage me by not being supportive, and by not believing in my dreams. But no more. Like my little brother said last night, "just because you don't dream anymore doesn't mean you have to crush mine."

If you're dreaming I'm supporting you. PERIOD. Don't let anyone tell you "you can't" and steal your happiness. Trust in God. Not man. And, whenever you can be that dream supporter for someone else don't be the problem or the doubter be the reason they don't give up...be the reason they keep pushing. It makes a difference. I promise.

Emanuel and I are dreamers always have been and always will be (he's perfect for me). In high school we dreamed about marrying each other, graduating college, moving to Texas, traveling the world together and starting a family. One dream has always been to go to Hawaii. We did just that. We are working on starting a bigger family. 😳 Lol
When no one else supports us...we support each other. #WeAllWeGot

A picture from Hawaii this month as we celebrated 6 years of marriage.

#DreamSupporter #DreamCatcher #DreamChaser #GirlWithAVision



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