The Importance of Forgiveness

Hey y'all!!

I wasn't feeling too hot today so instead of just sitting around I thought why not write a blog to close out the year. 

Something has been on my heart for the last week or 2 and today I saw a status on Facebook about something very similar so I took that as a sign. So, I'd like to talk about forgiveness and why it's important to forgive those who have wronged you. 

I'll be the first to admit that forgiveness hasn't always been my strong area. I could easily move on, shut people out, shade them when I see them, and keep it moving. But, recently forgiveness hit me like a ton of rocks. I felt happier, lighter, and overall I just felt good...a weight really had been lifted. I've always said forgiveness isn't for the other person it's for YOU. But in saying that I always remained a little hypocritical because I wasn't truly forgiving ALL of those individuals that I felt have wronged me. Today I can honestly say I have forgiven. 

I refuse to go into 2017 with anger and bitterness in my heart. I've seen first hand what holding anger, bitterness, and grudges in ones heart looks like. You end up being an ugly person and it shows on the outside as well as destroys you on the inside. It can even destroy other relationships around you. I refuse to become that person. SO, I FORGIVE YOU...and I pray if I've wronged anyone they can forgive me as well. Not for me but for themselves. 

So take a look around you and see how much energy you waist on being bitter with a mother or father that was never there, a friend that let you down, a sibling, a child's father....anyone!! Now imagine how you'd feel if you let it all go. If you didn't get angry every time you were around them, every time you seen their name, or someone talked about them in your presence. It truly feels amazing. You can walk out of a room knowing you did your part and you feel good about it. That's what matters and that's the feeling you want. 

So I challenge you to go into 2017 with all weight and bitterness lifted. Forgive those people and pray that they forgive you. Move forward with your life and take nothing for granted. 

Choose Love...every single time. ❤ Forgiveness shows your strength.

Ephesians 4:31- "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawl and slander, along with every form of malice."


P.S. I hope you had an amazing Christmas and I pray you have a Happy New Year 


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