"The Only Way Out Is Through"

I woke up this morning with a message on my heart, 2 actually, but this one needed to be first because the message is for someone somewhere and I'm compelled to share.

Right now you're asking, "Why does it hurt so bad? Why does it sting when I don't wanna care and I don't wanna feel? Life is heavy right now...so heavy and I don't want to face one more issue, one more dagger of disappointment, one more let down, or shed one more tear. I just want the hurt to stop. My God, this is hard. Why me?"

Words we say when life feels like it's throwing every single jab it has straight in our face. Life has a way of doing this sometimes...ya know, kicking you when you're down. Life's not fair or sympathetic.

But still...why does it hurt so bad when the one that was supposed to be your forever, the one that said they loved you, the one that promised to care for you in sickness and health doesn't live up to any of that? When you needed them most they let you down. The answer is you loved them. You trusted them. You opened up your heart and you were vulnerable. But, guess what sometimes people let you down. The trick is not letting them break you.

Find strength in yourself and when you survive you never look for it in another person again. It doesn't mean you won't find another love or "your person"  it's simply called loving and trusting yourself FIRST. Right now this is a pain like no other and it's scary but unfortunately "the only way out is THROUGH."

You'll carry yourself until you find the person that doesn't mind carrying you when your strength runs out.


P.S. This title comes from a song written by one of my absolute favorite local bands/duo performers. They're called Union Revival. They're truly 2 people that have found "their person." <3

Here's the link to their song below. Please check it out. You'll fall in love just as I have! I literally try to hear them perform live as much as I can.

Never forget that you're resilient and the strength you never thought you had will get you through.

My person. ❤


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