Diamond in the Rough

I'm not where I need to be but I'm on my way. I'm at a point in my life where something is shifting... something is changing and I can't quite put my finger on it. I once heard a preacher say , "When things start shifting, it just means something good is going on." Have you ever had moments and feelings like that? If you haven't let me try to put into words what I mean.

I'm having some very important growth moments and I am learning things about myself and I am learning things about the people around me. When I say these moments are happening they are happening back to back. The more I learn about myself and the more I learn about the people around me the more things start to shift in my life. I'm learning to accept people for who they are and move forward but most importantly I am learning to accept myself for who I am. The people who are not OK with who I am and what I am trying to become have a problem all of their own. People who truly know you will be there when the cards fall and the people who don't will judge,  make assumptions,  think they know you, and try to interrupt your success. What I mean by that is I am working on ME for ME...I can't do it to please anyone else. 

It's never a good feeling when you're going through the motions but when you come out on the other side it's a testimony. One of the things that I've heard over and over again but I'm just starting to implement is to share my praises when I'm in the midst of the uncomfortableness not just when the problem is solved. It provides the foundation for my testimony. 

Let anything that you go through in life be a lesson! Let it uplift and motivate you to be better. I'm working daily on being the best me I can be. I make mistakes but I have the courage to acknowledge those, forgive myself, and keep moving. You do the same. And remember, when things start shifting it just means something good is going on.  

We are all diamonds in the rough on our way to becoming the best fine jewel we can be!!

Keep your eyes on the prize! 


Diamond In the Rough...


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