
I haven't written in a while, trust me, I can tell. Blogging is not only an opportunity for me to help the next person but it is also a way for me to clear my mind and address the things I experience or see on a daily basis. Blogging gives me a chance to speak. So, now I have at least 3 other topics to write about in the near future.

Anywho, I know you are wondering why I titled this blog Loser. It has a negative feeling to it, right? I have a simple answer for you...1. It was catchy and 2. how many times have you felt like a loser?

My husband constantly points out to me that I am inpatient, competitive, and so use to winning and boy is he right. Over the years I have had the luxury of getting what I want when I want it. What I mean is I was a blessed "first timer." I interview for jobs and get them on the first interview, I take professional exams and pass them on the first try (who needs to study? lol), even as a child I spoke what I wanted to my daddy and got my dream car as my first car. In away I was ruined. I'd never lost before....like REALLY lost! Not until now.

Let me preface this with I don't think I am a loser and I have never called myself a loser but after any initial loss we have to admit that it stings and that word "loser" tries to creep it's way into our thoughts. No one should ever refer to themselves as a loser.  

It wasn't until I became an adult...a REAL adult that I realized things don't always go the way Lashonda wants them to go. The saying "You win some and you lose some" never rang more true than it has in the last 2 years. I feel like I have lost back to back over the last 2 years and I almost let it convince me that something was wrong with me. You see, I've never felt this before. I had never experienced so many NO's in my LIFE; and when they start coming one after the other how can you not question yourself and who you thought you were all the years before.

Now I realize each experience has humbled me but it hasn't changed me. It will never change my drive, my motivation, and my nature to WIN. I am a winner and people, situations, and circumstances won't change that. This will only make me better and make me stronger. What did change is my view on how LIFE works as well as my view on how I see the world and how the world will see me. I am now a person that can take a "No" and let it catapult me into a yes. I will take a "No" and instead of allowing it to break me I will allow it to strengthen me and make me work hard for what I want. I've learned that everything won't come easy, some things require a little more work, a little more convincing, and the ability to be realistic about what is happening around you.

I was blinded by being a winner and didn't know what it felt like to truly lose. But now I know losing is okay and I am truly being prepared for something greater. This was a lesson I NEEDED to learn in order to go further in life. I have said in several of my blog posts that everyday is a learning experience; well, sometimes we have a learning YEAR or TWO lol.

I want you to lean in close and open your eyes and ears to everything that's going on around you. Here is my reason for posting this blog. You may be going through a season of losing, a season of hearing no, a season of asking, "God, why am I in the same place I have been trying to get out of for the last 2 years?" You may not understand it now but this is your moment to learn. Ask yourself, what is He telling me or showing me? Why does this feel abnormal to me? Don't let these circumstances change your drive. You keep pushing forward and take on this season like a champ. Let all of the No's, the frustration, the feeling of stagnation, catapult you into being better, stronger, and more driven. It will not change the VERY CORE of who you are. It will add another layer of armor to that core. Something you needed before you could move forward.

I officially change the title of this post to WINNER! That's what I am and that's what you are. Hang in there and go get em' TIGER!



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