Borrowed Time

Happy New Year's Eve!!!!  2017 is coming to an end and Snap Chat reminded me of just how much I have done this year and I felt fulfilled. Soon after I had that feeling my sister called me with some heartbreaking news about someone I love dearly and we are not sure they will enter into the New Year with us. It's like no matter how much you smile life reminds you we are all on borrowed time. 

Borrowed time is my reason for living my best life. Emanuel and I have a hard time with choosing to be there for someone else verses choosing to be there for ourselves (he is a little worse at this than me). This year we decided not to feel bad about choosing ourselves and it was honestly the best thing we could have ever done. It is so easy to get caught up in doing for others, being there for others, LIVING for others, and forget about living for yourself. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being supportive of others but that shouldn't be your single purpose in life. Over time E and I have realized that we are ALWAYS there for others and ALWAYS traveling to see them but out of all of the states we have lived in, even when we were in Mississippi, I can count on 1 hand how many family members or friends have made an effort to come and visit us. Don't get me wrong I understand there are circumstances that prevent people from being as present as we would like them to be in our lives but I also know there can be absolutely none as well.  

I am sharing this because someone out there is further off than me and 2018 needs to be YOUR YEAR to use your time wisely. You are choosing to be something you're not, choosing to be in a relationship that was dead years ago, choosing to stay when you know you should go, choosing someone else's feelings and happiness over yours and you have been doing it for too long. 

I don't usually ask much of my readers but today I really want you to ask yourself these questions aloud. Ask yourself, "Am I happy?" Ask yourself,  "Am I living my best life? Have I done at least 1 thing this year I have always dreamed of doing?" Lastly, ask yourself "If my borrowed time ran out today could I say, "I have lived my best life, I have lived a fulfilled life and I HAVE NO REGRETS." If you answered "no" to any of those questions this year is your year to make those changes. 2018 is the year that you can use your borrowed time and choose to do something for yourself.  

We are all on borrowed time. How you plan to use it is up to you. 


Paris, France November 2017

Paris, France November  2017

Paris, France November 2017

Halloween October 2017

South Lake Tahoe, California September 2017

Napa Valley, California September 2017


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