
Showing posts from June, 2018

How do you see the stars?

Heyyyy y’all! This post won’t be very long or very dramatic but it’s about something I’m sure we all are guilty of at times. I wanted to shine a light on this because I truly believe that if we know better we do better. Therefore, WE have no excuse to continue making the same mistakes in life.  I was talking to a friend recently and they decided to give me a “spill” about how your house should be like a vacation everytime you enter. They also said I spend tons of money on actual vacations but when we are out I don’t like to buy expensive things for my house OR I “skimp” out and put things back. First of all, I LOVE the things in my home. It’s the perfect combination of me and my husband. That’s how I feel it should be. When I get home it’s not just my happy place it’s OUR happy place, OUR comfort zone, and I don’t have to buy things for it every time I shop.  I’m very happy with the way it is. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m always open to feedback but you also have to k...

I've Been a Hypocrite: Pushing and Pulling

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."-Maya Angelou This is one of my favorite quotes. I repeat it to myself and to my friends religiously but I have been such a hypocrite when it comes to this phrase lately. I haven’t been practicing what I preach. This quote basically means if you pay attention to people’s actions and not their words you will see the real person. I went back to Waco for the first time since my move this past weekend and boy were there so many things and people that I've missed. But there are also things that I have to be OK with leaving in Waco. Things I have to believe to be true because that's what I've been shown.  Have you ever been in a relationship, friendship, situation-ship or ANYTHING-ship in which you were pulling...pulling to be the best friend, the best wife or husband, the best employee, the best PERSON you could possibly be but the other person or thing was pushing...pushing you away, pushing towa...