How do you see the stars?

Heyyyy y’all!

This post won’t be very long or very dramatic but it’s about something I’m sure we all are guilty of at times. I wanted to shine a light on this because I truly believe that if we know better we do better. Therefore, WE have no excuse to continue making the same mistakes in life. 

I was talking to a friend recently and they decided to give me a “spill” about how your house should be like a vacation everytime you enter. They also said I spend tons of money on actual vacations but when we are out I don’t like to buy expensive things for my house OR I “skimp” out and put things back. First of all, I LOVE the things in my home. It’s the perfect combination of me and my husband. That’s how I feel it should be. When I get home it’s not just my happy place it’s OUR happy place, OUR comfort zone, and I don’t have to buy things for it every time I shop.  I’m very happy with the way it is. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m always open to feedback but you also have to know how to differentiate good feedback vs not so good feedback. My response to this feedback was “I hear what you’re saying but you have to accept that what’s important to YOU may not be important to me or other people around you. Vacations and memories are what I choose to invest in and that’s okay. 

After that open conversation we moved on and I never thought about the conversation again until this morning when I saw the saying “We look up at the same stars and see such different things.”  I thought WOW!! This definitely relates to that conversation I had the other day. 

We have to be careful not to project on to others what WE love and enjoy in a way that demeans or diminishes what they enjoy. It’s not our intentions but it happens and I’m guilty of it. I do it when it comes to me telling people they should take more vacations. It just happens.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s okay to share your happiness and experiences but don’t unconsciously insinuate that your way is better. What you see in life and what I see in life can be very different. It doesn’t mean either of us are wrong. It just means we see things differently. It’s okay to be a free thinker. Do and enjoy what makes YOU happy in life and I will do and enjoy what makes me happy. ❤️ 

How do you see the stars?

Live, Laugh, Love



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