Blessing and Stressing: My Real Truth

Hey Ya’ll! This blog goes hand and hand with the live video that Emanuel and I just finished last night. Let’s be honest, I was supposed to post this prior to the video, but if you watched the live then you know I have been all over the place lately with trying to stay in a positive place mentally and emotionally. But first things first…EMANUEL AND I ARE HOMEOWNERS!!!! I couldn’t be more excited to be a homeowner and to be in my own space without the worries of having to move again. We truly thank God for such an accomplishment and such a blessing. The road to buying a house, for me, has been no easy feat. I have had several ups and downs along the way with days of extreme happiness but also depression and anxiety. I know you are probably wondering how can so much good be happening to a person and they still experience anxiety and depression. I am going to tell you how. It’s no secret I have struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression in the past. Mostly due to ...