Come Out Swinging

Hey y’all! I’m back and reloaded! Today I want to talk about being pushed to extreme limits, what that looks like, and how to handle it. 

There are times in our lives where we feel like the tests are NONE STOP! Let me tell you this, you’re not alone. Recently I’ve felt my faith being tested beyond the point of my understanding or comprehension. I often find myself, as I’m sure you do, asking "why?" I can’t answer that question but what I do know is every single test serves a purpose. A purpose that’s observed by faith and not by sight. 

Let me give you an example. Last week I reached a level of anger (I’m getting more like my daddy the older I get. Lol) in which I had to step away, go for a walk, listen to inspirational videos, watch something to make me laugh, and then return to address the problem head on. It’s so hard to be the bigger person and do the right thing when there’s so much wrong going on around you or what you’re being faced with was 100% wrong on the other person’s part. It’s hard to smile, never get an apology, and still move on. It’s FUCKING HARD! But we do it. We are a strong group of people whether we know it or not. Everyday we pull ourselves together, put on our best, and go out and face the day. 

So, on this day I reached a level of anger that made my skin hot, I was flushed, and my thoughts couldn’t move forward. My ability to see beyond this incident was obstructed by pure passion and frustration. I couldn’t just let it go. Not to mention the person wouldn’t allow me to let it go either. They consistently attempted to call me or message me. But, I wasn’t ready. You see, I know when my spirit isn’t right and I know when it’s just not the time for me to communicate with someone. So, of course, I didn’t respond right away. Knowing your limits is so important; it affects all of your decisions from that point forward.

Once I reach this level of anger I have to do something drastic...something other than crying. So this is what I did mentally when I stepped away for realignment. I reaffirmed my purpose, I re-acknowledged my self worth, I accepted what was not in my control, and I believed everything that I told myself about being an asset and more deserving. I’d never felt more like an adult. Because that was some adult shit. I went back, put on a smile, accepted that I’d been accused but would NEVER get an apology, cleared my name, and continued on with my day. Often times in these situations it’s hard not to believe that your response was weak and not feel beaten down in knowing things like this will probably never change because this is part of someone’s personality and we have to accept people for who they are, right? I’m here to tell you it’s far from weak! It is one of the strongest things you can do. There are always moments that remind you of just how strong and powerful you really are. 

My reminder came in the form something so simple from someone who witnessed it all. Someone I admire, whose passions are equivalent to mine, said to me Lashonda, you did amazing. You did something that is so hard for me and I don’t think I could’ve done it. They said I admire you for that and I’m glad you’re my friend. *insert fireworks, mic drop, and all the other theatrics here.* WOOOW!!!! Talk about a lift up after being knocked down! Talk about God’s timely confirmations! I mean just wow! My response that day was “thank you, it was hard” which was an honest response but what they didn’t know or see is on the inside just how important and powerful that comment was for me. 

So, what I am trying to say is when you are pushed to extreme limits remember your purpose is bigger than any situation, any put down, or any let down. Stand firm in your ambitions and don't get discouraged. It’s hard and sometimes it hurts but the end result will not only be crystal clear but liberating as well. You’ll come out post up! 

P.S. When someone does something strong acknowledge it because it can mean everything to them. Be that light! Be a person who lifts others up. Once we do that we can reach new heights.

Thanks for reading and my apologies for the cursing. Unfortunately, I’m a curser and sometimes it’s the only way I can clearly express myself. Lol I’m just thankful it was only 2 this time and I think the first time in any of my posts. But, y'all stay tuned. I have more to say and more to share. 




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