Better Late Than Never....

Hey readers!

First I want to apologize! I haven't typed a blog in a while and I really have no excuse. I have been working, I have been living, I have been lazy, and I have had some major life changing events. 

One of my best friends sent me a text message today and said "Hey what happened to your blogs? I really enjoyed those." It hit me that I was really on to something here....not only do people enjoy reading my blogs but they also get something from it. I realized that I get something from them as well. I get to share my stories and my knowledge with people that really care; if you didn't care you wouldn't read, right? 

As I logged on today I noticed that my page has only 10 blogs but well over 1,000 views...that's pretty awesome to me because I didn't think anyone would read. LOL I have so much I want to share including a little piece of my REALITY! 

Only a handful of people know about the journey I have started in my life and what triggered this journey. I am still trying to decide how much of that journey I want to share on this blog. I realize that everyone is not happy for me and some only want to see my struggles. I want to share my story so I can help those ladies that are having the same struggles. 

I will go into more detail in my next blog but I really wanted to start back blogging today so this is just the intro. :)

*Stay Pretty*


***I will still be sharing other random topics as well.***


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