Self Love: The Most Important

Happy Saturday Readers!!!

Today I want to talk about SELF love. If you know me now you would NEVER know I struggled with self love growing up! Today I am told I am a diva, I am confident, and some may even say boojie. Lol...I promise if you get to know me you will see so much more; judging me by just looking at me is really your loss.

I am going to be verrrry honest with you  about the old Lashonda....and I am going to be verrry honest with you later about the new Lashonda.

As a young girl I was tiny, with big boobs (way bigger than anyone else my age), exotropia (when 1 or both eyes turn outward), and darker skin than everyone else. At that age I had no idea how beautiful I was and didn't even know where to start in learning how to love myself. I never let it show but my confidence and my self-esteem was pretty low; I compared myself to EVERYONE ELSE! Mistake #1! I can say I never struggled to have or make friends...popularity was never an issue for me. I had and still have some pretty amazing friends. All my issues revolved around "self."

In 11th grade I met my now husband; the first person that ever said to me "you're beautiful just the way you are." For me this was major and it still took time for me to believe him. What I now understand after my years of education is that someone can tell you you're beautiful, smart, and talented every day of your life but it is not until YOU believe it that the changes start to happen. Don't get me wrong them telling you this is a start and makes you feel all bubbly inside...but the real work comes when you start to believe it  and say it yourself. Self love is sooo important women; it impacts our lives in soo many ways! You would be very surprised how many people wear the "I'm happy and beautiful" exterior but on the inside they are broken and hate who they are.

I always wanted to change things about myself but I knew I loved myself (without my husband's input) the day I was told I could have surgery to straighten my eye and I said NO. This, you guys, was one of the things I hated about myself THE MOST; but on that day I chose to love myself just the way God made me. Over time I have had to DO THE WORK, as Iyanla would say. (LOL)  I chose to trust that I was beautiful.

For a while as a young adult I thought I was too "dark" to wear red and pink I am I trust I'm perfect with whatever I choose to wear....I make my clothes and my lipsticks...I don't let them make me. I now know that MY BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL! I chose to love myself FIRST and not think about what the world would say first! Of course this new weight gain has been a hard pill to swallow but again I went back to doing the work and that's where I am today.

Today I really am a different person. Not only did I change internally but when that happened things changed externally as well. I carry myself differently. What others say about me doesn't really matter. I don't live to please others and I live for LASHONDA! The new Lashonda takes risks without being afraid. What about you?

**Stay Pretty and Love yourself **

I weighed in this morning and I am 3 more pounds down for a total of 13! Yippie! Please keep praying for me and rooting for me. I appreciate and love you all!



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