April Fool...

Hey Y'all!!! 

I'm not even sure where to start since I haven't posted a blog in almost 4 months!! Life comes at you fast and some things end up falling short. :( But we won't dwell on that little faux pas lol. 

If you remember, I started out excited about this year and all it had to offer. GUESS WHAT...I am still just as excited today as I was then. I have been in a different place this year wanting to live as much of my life as I possibly can. Enjoying being with my husband and my friends and spending no time on the drama. I have always believed life is short and you only get one. April brought all of that into perspective for me.

During the month of March and April Emanuel and I have had a jam packed schedule. I have literally had us scheduled with super fun weekend events and even did a little volunteering. I never expected April to be a month of learning but I was definitely pulled along for the ride..  April, in it's own special way, showed me that Emanuel and I have been doing all the right things in how we've chosen to live. We live for God, we live for each other, and we live to be happy.  With that being said things can change in the blink of an eye. One minute you are having a blast, being happy, enjoying life, and the next you are literally feeling a pain you have never felt before, you can barely move,  and you have no clue what will happen to your life. Scary stuff people...scary stuff.  

First I was frustrated. I have done all the work to lose weight, get healthy,  and change my lifestyle. I am probably the healthiest I have ever been as an adult.  I thought I was doing great, good reports coming in from all my doctors, the scale showing more progress and then April said..."Hey you fool!" Lol Oh what an "April Fool" I was. April reminded me that no matter how much I plan and prepare some parts of life are still out of my control. 

As I sit here and type this blog I remember being more scared than I have been in a long time (I am fine now...y'all know I am a tad bit dramatic).  I remember not regretting anything and knowing that each day I have spent with my husband we have truly LIVED. 

I say all of this to say, sometimes we go through the motions of life and don't really get to EXPERIENCE life. We all deserve the chance to experience life because it is one of the greatest feelings you will ever have. We get stuck in these ruts sometimes that come in the shape of bad marriages, bad friendships, bad jobs, negative family members, negative people, financial hardships, and so on. Many times we don't believe we can or believe we deserve to experience life and we miss the opportunity. Trust me you, your children or whoever will be fine without the next pair of Tony Lama boots, Jordan's, or Ralph Lauren outfit. Do something that will make a lasting memory....we never forget those.  Let's take advantage of life and not let it take advantage of us. 

Don't be an April fool and think you got it all planned out, retirement is coming in 29 years, kids will be out of the house, blah blah blah. Remember, sometimes you are not in control at all so don't miss your opportunity.

Update: I am still on my weight loss journey and I am 41 pounds down. I have also built more muscle. I can actually do a pushup now...I have never been able to do a pushup. What an accomplishment I felt the day I did my first set of 3!! lol  I am very excited about my progress and praying for continued success. 

In the words of one of my favs, "I'ma keep running cause a winner don't quit on themselves!" 
**If you haven't tasted the Lemonade you better get you some! I'll have extra this weekend in Houston!** 

 Progress: 178 Pounds


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