Nobody Said the Road Would Be Easy: 1 Year Ago Today

May 29, 2015

Wow!! I woke up to this memory on Facebook! It was the first image of myself  I saw! 1 year ago today!!! It's crazy how I look back at this picture and I now see that I was unhappy with myself, depressed, and ashamed.

I remember taking everything out of my closet trying to find something that fit and I still angrily (sadness that comes out easier as anger) found nothing I thought I looked "good" in. I eventually settled for this dress.

When I look back over what type of year we had last year I can see where the depression came from. The tears, the loss, the bad news, the scary was never ending in 2015.

This year has started off rocky but I'm claiming greatness this year! I can't go back to this place. This picture actually motivates me and keeps me going because I know where I don't want to be. I know that whatever we are faced with this year I need to deal with it in a healthy way.

May 7, 2016

This is me now. Oh, the joy I feel when I look at this picture and knowing that I'm not done yet. I don't snap constant pictures of my progress (I've always liked taking selfies that will probably never change lol) but I do share stuff on some days when I'm working out or feeling proud. I see my progress and my motivation inspiring other people and that feels wonderful. I have had people tell me "you did this, you changed the dynamic of this place." I've had others say "you motivate me." So, I don't want to stop being this for others because we all need it...I needed it. That's why I decided to share with you all what I was feeling this morning. The emotions were very strong. I hope it inspires someone today.

And remember, you never know who's watching and who YOU are inspiring. This includes your children. My motivation came from wanting to LIVE, wanting to be healthy, wanting to be happy, and wanting a little control of my life back. Where does your motivation come from? What will get you started? I can't tell you the road will be easy...but it will definitely be worth it. 

Sound off in the comments and let me know WHAT MOTIVATES YOU!!!

Thanks for reading! 


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