Shopping: Let's be Frugal and Thrifty!

Hey Ya'll!

Today I really just wanted to share with you some of the AMAZING deals I have found lately! Anyone who really KNOWS me know that I love country music and I love SHOPPING!!! It really is an addiction people...and I am working on that! Lol I have been referred to by several of my friends as a "label hoe" and yes that may be true but I want you to know that EVERYTHING I buy is on sale and I always try to find a coupon as well.  Not only that I also love to go "thrifting" and browsing garage sales. You will be amazed at some of the things you can find. I have noticed many communities have started garage sale pages on Facebook as well. 

Below I have some items I have purchased over the last few weeks that I think were GREAT deals! I have something I found on my communities Yard Sale Facebook page, something I got from an actual garage sale, and some items I purchased new. I love to save and I love to share tips that can help the next person save as well!! I hope this is a post that you will enjoy. 

The Vanity below is an item I am verrrry excited about!! Hopefully, we will be buying a house in the near future and I want this vanity to go in my spare bedroom. It will be my makeup area. I am not sure if I will change the color or not but if I choose to I can sand it down, change the color, and change the handles as well.  I found this on the community yard sale Facebook group for $65. (Ignore the background we were putting it in storage.)

Below I have my Steve Madden Pony Hair Flats! YES, there is a story behind these! My BFF purchased these for around $80 on the Steve Madden website. I loved them so much and I really did want them BUT, I never pay regular price for Steve Maddens (or any other shoe). She tried and tried to convince me to order these shoes but I held out and didn't get them. Needless to say about 2 months later, while in Arizona, we visited a store called Last Chance and I found the EXACT same shoes for $18.99! Steeeeeaaallll!!!!!

I have been looking for a small cute stool for a while now. I was able to find this at a co-workers garage sale for $10. Again, I can change the fabric if I choose to.

Last but not least is my new Keurig!!!! I am already in love with this purchase! This item is regularly $124.99 at Kohl's. I got this Keurig AT Kohl's this weekend during a sale they were running. This Keurig was on sale for $89.99 with an extra 10% off. I had a 30% off coupon and a $10 off coupon from my reward points. One thing that I love about Kohl's is they allow me to double up on my coupons as long as they both are not a "percentage" off. I paid $60 total for my Keurig. After my purchase I got $10 Kohl's cash and a $10 mail-in rebate. When you think about it I'll end up paying $40 for it! I am not a huge fan of coffee but I love making the cider, hot chocolate, and teas that I purchased. Be on the look out for these type of sales at Kohl's....everything is a steal! My next big purchase will be a Kitchen Aid Mixer...lets see how cheap I can get that! 

Thanks for reading! Share some of your steals with me in the comments below or on Facebook! :)



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