This thing called FRIENDSHIP


Where do I begin? There are sooo many ways I can go with this post and I am not sure which one to choose so I decided to just start typing.  

 As a person that has moved several times I know the struggle of meeting new people and making new "friends." Once you have finished school and move forward into the real world making friends becomes a little bit tougher. Don't get me wrong, you meet A LOT of new meet new co-workers and spend time with them daily, but do you really have the pleasure of making a life long friend...someone you will invite to your home for the holidays. It's possible but rare...(shout out to my Little Rock Arkansas Crew! You know who you are! DTC I miss ya'll). 

Moving every other year can make things a liii-tt-le more difficult; once you have invested and you finally meet that 1 friend it's time to move on. Some how my husband and I have managed to move 5 times in the last 5 years...Sacrifice! *Blank Stare* (No worries I have told my husband that Texas is the last stop...well unless Nashville calls! Lol Country music is EVERYTHING to me!) 

Don't misunderstand, by no means am I struggling for friends but it is always nice to have a girlfriend nearby to hang out with or  have a brunch date with on a Saturday.  I am very friendly and I get along with just about anyone...yea, I am "THAT GIRL!" Lol But, I don't trust everyone enough to allow them to enter into my life. I have learned a lot about friendship and a lot about my own expectations of friendship. In just the last couple of years...well even the last year of my life things shifted. 

I now know that everyone that says they are your friend are not always there for you... your definition of friendship and their definition of friendship can be very different, friendships can be 1 find yourself giving and the other person is only taking. I have learned that friends you've had for nearly your entire life don't last forever. Most importantly I've learned that I TAKE MARRIAGE SERIOUS and I don't want to be associated with any person that doesn't respect me and doesn't respect marriage. The older I have gotten I have realized my tolerance for Bullsh** has gotten verrrrry low so learning to deal with new personalities is a challenge for me as well. Simply put, what I am trying to say is that as you get older you guard your heart more...whether that is with friendship or with a relationship and there is nothing wrong with that. Hard work and trusting yourself will never lead you astray...I am learning this daily.  

At the end of the day I love the friends I have and I am happy with those people who have come into my life that I KNOW will be there! Though I have to travel across state lines to see them, when I do see my besties we ALWAYS pick up where we left off. We laugh, we argue, we curse each other out, but when we leave we hug and say I love you. Some of these girls have been my besties since middle school and they will ALWAYS tell me the truth...I will always do the same for them. Sometimes friends are the ones that have to say the hard stuff...and that's okay. I know I can always count on them! 

For me, friendship is important and should be cherished it is great for the soul but remember to always guard your heart, trust yourself, and never compromise who you are and what you stand for!

*A few pictures of me and my friends are below 

Of course my hubby is my my BFF...he has no other choice! :)


  1. I read something Tyler Perry wrote about guarding your mind and heart. This reminds me of that but deeper. Very good read and I can so relate.

    1. Thanks Bonita, that def makes me feel like I'm doing something good! AND, Thanks for reading and commenting as well that makes me smile! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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